Wednesday, September 29, 2010



One of Lung Cancer Cause as well as Mesothelioma Risk Factor

Asbestos have been used for a long time ago, even hundred years ago and it still used nowadays. Doesn’t matter what time asbestos use and for any reason, it also comes with the risk. The risk that asbestos have is very horrible, it comes with very dangerous disease. The diseases that asbestos can make due to a long time exposure are lung cancer, asbestosis, as well as the most dangerous among all is mesothelioma, this disease can be called asbestos cancer.

Monday, September 27, 2010



Respiratory System

Our lung is a very important part of body that used for respiratory. Our lung, divides into two lobes and the right into three lobes. If we count the length of airways that our lung has, the lungs contain approximately 1500 miles or 2,400 km, and the total surface of lung is about 70 m square in adult. Our lungs indeed have a very wide surface.

Since its sucking air every time, the lung tends to get disease more easily than any other part of our body. But why lung based diseases always diagnose in late condition/stage? This question may questioned by many people.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Radiotherapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

In patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer and who have no evidence of distant metastases, radiotherapy is recommended to loco-regional disease because it may be associated with a survival advantage compared with placebo.

It has been known for many years that ionizing radiation is capable of killing lung cancer cells and reducing tumour size. Radiotherapy usually become an option for non-small cell lung cancer treatment when patient incapable of undergoing surgery due to their own health condition, or in patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer and who have no evidence of distant metastases, radiotherapy is recommended to loco-regional disease because it may be associated with a survival advantage compared with placebo.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lungcancer Treatment Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a lung cancer treatment management that primary used to treat small cell lung cancer, and chemotherapy often combined with radiation therapy, since lung surgery doesn’t seems has significant effect. Primary chemotherapy is also given in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.

In non-small cell lung cancer, chemotherapy using drugs to destroy tumors, and is usually used along with surgery in lung cancer patients. Chemotherapy can make the tumor more manageable before surgery, or to destroy lingering cancer cells at the tumor site after surgery.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lung Treatment Radiotherapy

In patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer and who have no evidence of distant metastases, radiotherapy is recommended to loco-regional disease because it may be associated with a survival advantage compared with placebo.

Radiotherapy is a lung cancer treatment option for patients who are not eligible for surgery. When using radio therapy, doctor often combined together with chemotherapy to increase the cure rate result, and it is usually used in treatment for non-small cell lung cancer. Radiotherapy works by using a high intensity is called radical radiotherapy. CHART (Continuous Radiation Hyper-fractionated Accelerated Radiotherapy) is a new radiotherapy technique that has fixed from the previous this lung cancer treatment management; it is works by using a high dose of radiotherapy in a short time period.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lung Cancer Prevention

Smoking is the largest cause and risk factor of lung cancer. So, one of the most thing that can do to prevent lung cancer is stop smoking. By stop smoking, it will reduce the lung cancer risk greatly. But, stop smoking is not a simple matter. For those who are heavy smoker, stop smoking is a very hard deal. To stop smoking habit, many countries that release a guidance to stop smoking in order to prevent the spread of lung cancer. Since, the lung cancer patient keeps increasing every single year and now, the one that endanger lung cancer is not only men. The statistic shows that the increasing of lung cancer patient is far more rapid in women than in men.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lung Cancer Risk Factor - Previous Lung Disease

For someone who in their life has lung disease at least once, the risk in getting lung cancer is increased slightly. The lung diseases that use for study case are emphysema, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy and tuberculosis. And this is the result from lung cancer risk from previous lung disease.

In these studies, the researcher has provided evidence for increased risk of lung cancer following bronchitis and emphysema and also possibly asthma and tuberculosis. However, most of the studies have been carried out in females and may not be generalize to males. Nevertheless, early studies provided some evidence for increased risk of lung cancer mortality following asthma in males but not females. Despite adjustment for smoking, differing odds ratios have been observed between smokers and non-smokers. The effect of diet, environmental tobacco smoke, time between diagnosis of lung disease and lung cancer, and the lung cancer cell type also need to be more fully examined.